
Showing posts from 2014

Tobh Atty dripping atomizer, review and build

Ecig's, are they worth the money.

Ecig's, are they worth the money.

The effects of Tobacco Smoke and Ecig Vapor on Heart Cells

The effects of Tobacco Smoke and Ecig Vapor on Heart Cells

Vaping the Chi You. Mechanical mod strip down

Vaping the Chi You. Mechanical mod strip down

Vaping and ecigs, Ejuice review

Survival and bush craft, rule of three's (water)

Survival and bush craft, rule of three's (water)

Survival and bush craft, rule of three's (water)

Nautilus Aspire review. After 4 month's use

Kanger Aerotank. Vaping and ecig review.

Survival and Bush craft rule of three. Air

New 300 meter range update at Guns n Stuff

Pegasus clone review at petes place.

Heckler & Koch USP Match, field strip

Vaping and the 5:2 diet

Vaping-VLOG 29-7-14 at Petes Place

Vaping - ecigs at Petes Place. Hooka review

Aspire Nautilus review. at Petes Place.

Vaping and ecigs, Building a stainless steel wick on a Nimbus

Vaping, on the way home

vaping and ecigs